Sentient is an initiative by the Sentient Foundation. It focuses on creating an open-source AI ecosystem. The initiative aims to make AI advancements accessible to everyone through collaborative development, rather than being dominated by corporations. Sentient refers to this concept as the creation of “Loyal AI”.
Here’s how it works:
Community Contribution: Sentient relies on a global network of AI developers and researchers. You can contribute knowledge, share ideas, or give feedback through forums and social media like X (formerly Twitter). This approach keeps the project open and dynamic.
Sentient Protocol: It’s a blockchain-based system with four layers (Storage, Distribution, Access, Incentive) that aligns all ecosystem actors. The Storage layer securely saves models and their data, while the Distribution layer ensures models are shared across the network. The Access layer manages who can use the models, and the Incentive layer fairly rewards contributors and creators.
Ecosystem Participants: Sentient's ecosystem is powered by three main groups. Model Creators are rewarded whenever their models are used. Model Hosts earn income by developing user-facing AI applications. Finally, Model Verifiers ensure ethical and fair usage by monitoring payments and compliance with policies.
In summary, Sentient decentralizes AI development. It rewards community contributions and creates an open ecosystem for AI advancements. It’s designed to benefit developers, users, and humanity overall.
Team of the Project
Pramod Viswanath
Steering Committee Member
Pramod is a Professor in Engineering at Princeton University. He co-founded Kaleidoscope Blockchain and was previously an Endowed Professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley. At Sentient Foundation he’s responsible for research initiatives.
Himanshu Tyagi
Steering Committee Member
Himanshu co-founded Witness Chain and is an Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Science. He has a background in research on information theory, statistics, and cryptography from UC San Diego. At Sentient Foundation he’s responsible for technology initiatives.
Sandeep Naiwal
Steering Committee Member
Sandeep co-founded Polygon and Symbolic Capital. As of 2023, his net worth is $1 billion. He is the Executive Chairman of Polygon Labs and invests in blockchain and AI ventures. At Sentient Foundation he’s responsible for strategy initiatives.
Steering Committee Member
Venture studio creating advanced products and applications for Sentient.