At the day of the launch, the floor price on Magic Eden was 0.0013 BTC, which is equivalent to $50.
Bitcoin Whales
Reward Results
$50 $130
Minimal cost
Time required
5 min.
At the day of the launch, the floor price on Magic Eden was 0.0013 BTC, which is equivalent to $50.
The mint price was free. After the launch, the Ordinal price shoot up to 0.006 BTC ($200), with the sale price later hovering around 0.003 BTC or approximately $90.Therefore, the users had the possibility to sell their Ordinal anywhere between $90 and $200, accounting for the transaction fees ($15), the final average achievable result would amount to $130.
Pros & Cons

Bitcoin Whales fit into the current narrative of Ordinals and BRC-20 tokens
The project gathered a lot of attention on Twitter and is supported by several crypto influencers and other projects

The supply and mint price is TBA
The founders of Bitcoin Whales are unknown
How to participate?

Bitcoin Whales has emerged as a prominent project in the Ordinals space, gaining substantial popularity and recognition in the current market. The project has managed to captivate attention not only from influential figures but also from other notable projects, resulting in collaborations with crypto celebrities like Maison Ghost or whale.swoosh, and renowned projects such as Bitcoin Punks and Degods.
Bitcoin Whales have a significant activity on their Twitter page, boasting an impressive following of over 70k users. This engagement suggests a dedicated community surrounding the project, which can be instrumental in driving its success.
Bitcoin Whales also have a higher chance of success based on the ongoing BRC-20/Ordinals narrative.
Staying updated on the progress of this project, may allow users to position themselves to take advantage of potential opportunities that may arise.