How to mint the NFT through a contract
5 mins
Approximate amount of time spent on this activity
Faster minting time
You will learn how to mint NFT's faster using a contract
Network Fee + NFT Cost
Approximately how much money you will have to spend if you take part in this activity
At the moment, the collections that are entering the market (especially Free Mints) are not thinking much about the future load on their sites, through which Mint will take place.
This is the reason why the websites where users try to get their coveted NFT start to lag, fail to keep up with the load and die indefinitely. This is the reason why you as a user may simply not get your NFT because you won't get it in time. This is where this tip comes in handy.
At the moment, the collections that are entering the market (especially Free Mints) are not thinking much about the future load on their sites, through which Mint will take place.
This is the reason why the websites where users try to get their coveted NFT start to lag, fail to keep up with the load and die indefinitely. This is the reason why you as a user may simply not get your NFT because you won't get it in time. This is where this tip comes in handy.