Manual Gas Reduction in Metamask
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Gas reduction
You will learn how to reduce gas for transactions
With this tip you will learn how you can reduce the cost of commissions manually with MetaMask.
This tip will apply not only to ETH network, but also to others - ZkSync, Polygon etc. Sometimes you can spend less on commissions than MetaMask offers. The savings may not always seem tangible and useful, but after a few transactions it's always nice to save money and do exactly the same thing, but at a lower cost.
With this tip you will learn how you can reduce the cost of commissions manually with MetaMask.
This tip will apply not only to ETH network, but also to others - ZkSync, Polygon etc. Sometimes you can spend less on commissions than MetaMask offers. The savings may not always seem tangible and useful, but after a few transactions it's always nice to save money and do exactly the same thing, but at a lower cost.